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What's the schedule for live events?

Events For "All" Paid Members

Grow Rich Mastermind Call

Monday through Friday @ 9 AM EST. 

Live - 667-770-1524 access 565762#

24-hour Replay - 712-432-0990 Access 565762#

Or you can use VIOP website here to dial in to not use your phone plan minutes (good for outside USA people) 

Replay also available as 'daily audio' in the 'get ready' tab of premium 

Full 11+ year archive available 'Daily Audio Goldmine Archive'  in 'get bonus' section of premium.

Funnel Builder Focused "Monthly" Mastermind

1st Monday of every month @ 8 PM EST

Registration link (and replays) are available on the 'live coaching' tab in your funnel builders academy members area or clicking here

Saturday New Members Welcome Orientation & Q&A

Saturday Morning @ 9 AM EST. 

Come & learn about everything you have access to here in HBA to help you create what you want to create and achieve your goals and dreams. 

Click here to access

NEW - Workout/Fitness mastermind (not recorded)

Monday-Friday @ 8am EST

Come workout with us in the morning.  You can do what ever you normally do just with everyone else.   

Click here to access (passcode if it asks is: 1111)

Events For "HBA Premium" Members

Monday Night "What's Working Now" Marketing Mastermind

2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Monday Nights @ 8 PM EST

Registration Link (and replays) are available in your premium members area under "Get Coaching" tab or clicking here.

Daily T&C (Traffic & Conversions) Mastermind

Monday through Thursday @ 11 AM EST 

Registration Link (and replays) are available in your premium members area under "Get Coaching" tab or clicking here.

Funnel Builder Friday Mastermind

Friday @11 AM EST

This is the same link as the T&C Mastermind.

Bonus Events For The Home Business Academy

Orientación para nuevos miembros

(Spanish New Member Orientation)

Todos los miércoles a las 8:00 p. m., hora del este.

(Every Wednesday at 8pm EST)

Click here to register

Annual "HBA Freedom Fest" Live In-Person Event 

Every year during the week of November 11th 

Visit www.HBAFreedomFest.com for details 

Why Does My Affiliate Link Not Work or Show My ID In The URL When I Test It?

Don't worry, your affiliate links are still working for everyone else who visits them, just not yourself.  Here is why you don't see your ID in the URL:

SamCart has something in place when you are logged in to your affiliate account, it automatically removes your affiliate "TOKEN" from the URL so that you are not able to buy from yourself.

If you want to do a proper test of your link, there are two options:

Option 1: you have to log out of SamCart first, then go to your FULL affiliate link after you are logged out.

Option 2: open an "incognito" or private browser window or a totally different device where it won't recognize you are logged in, then try out your FULL affiliate link and it will work perfectly.   

Just know that your affiliate link works for everyone else no matter what. 

You are the only one that will ever see this error since SamCart removes the Token from the URL when visiting your own link. 

Grab Your Freedom Crusaders Super Hero Gear Here:


How can I update my billing information for my monthly subscription?

How Can I Add Multiple Domains & Funnels To The HBA Funnel Builder?


0:08 - 1 custom domain per funnel area & how get more than 1

0:39 - Building unlimited funnels in 1 funnel area using "Section Labels" 

3:04 - Info on Forwarding other domains to your pages

3:49 - Benefit of Managing contacts in 1 funnel area

4:25 - Why you should avoid "Masking" when you forward

Side Notes:

* If you need another funnel area to add a 2nd domain to your account send a support ticket to:  [email protected]

How do I know if my funnel is working?  

You can also show up on one of our live masterminds and we can help you if you are still having a challenge after you've watched the above video.  

A last option is to check out our paid setup support option here. 

Why am I getting traffic to my pages but no sales?

The #1 reason this happens is due to bad traffic.   There are many places who sell hits to pages that are fake and fake visitors can not buy products. 

Unfortunately, this is WAY more common than most people realize and you have to be very careful about where you get your traffic. 

For the most part, this is why we generally do not recommend buying traffic from 3rd party sources, and instead, recommend you learn to generate REAL traffic following the training in our products.  

Another thing to keep in mind is that hits to your Sam Cart affiliate pages count hits, and not unique visitors.   If you load your sales page 100 times, you'll see 100 visitors but those were all you refreshing your page (not actual visitors and potential buyers). 

Additionally, search engine bots and/or other kinds of bots can trigger visitor counts to your pages that are faulty. 

We recommend following this training to get the most accurate traffic and conversion data.   

Other potential causes

  • Lack of consistency in emailing your list 
  • Lack of matching your marketing message to the right market (Target audience)  
  • Lack of providing valuable content to your email list / audience

Do you have testimonials or member proof of results I can use?

The very best way to show proof is to use the sales material we have on the sales pages in you Samcart affiliate back office.   

This is because we combine the most powerful testimonials and proof, in the most persuasive (and compliant) ways to help you make sales and keep our company safe for the long term future.   

That being said, you are welcome to copy any of the reviews from our review / testimonial collection from this page.  

As for income proof... we encourage you to use our combined company results vs. individual income results for 2 reasons.  

1)  Our combined results will always be bigger than any individual result and potentially, much more powerful. 

2)  When we share a company result, versus an individual income result, there is no income disclaimer required.   Again, this will help us all stay safe for the future.  

Here is a recent images you are welcome to use.. 

We would prefer you not use personal income results in your marketing.

Note: Our 2 top affiliates who have earned the most income never use personal income results.   This is proof that sharing personal income results is not necessary to make a sale.  

The principle you're looking for is credibility.  Personal income results are ONE way to demonstrate credibility, there are others that may serve you better over time.  

If you do decide to use personal income results or testimonials, you must be sure to also share our official income disclaimer always.  You can learn how to do this the right way, here in our compliance training

Why are my emails going to spam? 

This is a simple question that has many possible answers.   :-)  

Here are some things you can do that may help... 

1.  Be sure you're sending emails from a business email using this training.

2.  Add a DKIM, SPF & DMARC record in your domain DNS using this training

3.  Consider turning on double opt in to eliminate bad or faulty leads from your email list.  

4.  Consider not sending out a link in your first email, and instead ask a question that gets your subscribers to reply to your emails.   

5.  Be super careful about buying leads because bad leads will create un opens and bounces which will harm your ability to land in the in box.  

6.  Consider cleaning your list and removing the emails that are not opening or engaging with your emails periodically.   (be careful with this because if your subscribers don't have images turned on in their inbox, they will show as an 'un open' even though they may be un-opening and clicking your links.  

7.  Make sure your domain name is set to PUBLIC in your registrar (use a PO box if you want your physical address to remain private).  

8.  Here's another great list of things to consider from Get Response that can help. 

9.   Treat your email list like gold.   Do your best to consistently, deliver valuable content that will actually help and serve the people on your email list vs. just pitching products all the time.  

10. Be sure to reply back to all messages.  Take the conversation back and forth just as you would a message in messenger.

11. Never delete your leads when you clean your list. 

Instead, add the un-engaged leads to a spreadsheet and save them to mail in the future with another bulk emailing program (NOT your auto responder) to see if you can salvage good leads from lists that have been purged out with a cleaning.  

Are there pass-ups in the compensation plan?

No, there are no pass-ups.

If one of your customers purchases a product you don't own, we do our best to notify you and give you a few days to purchase the product so you don't miss out on the commission. 

If you don't upgrade in the allotted time, you will miss the commission and this commission is not passed up to your sponsor.


The #1 reason we do not have a pass-up system is because our legal council advised against it, when we asked them. 

They informed us that a pass up system would cause us to be categorized more like an MLM company which carries a whole slew of additional regulatory challenges.    

How do affiliate cookies work?

-We use SamCart for affiliate tracking

Before someone buys any HBA products:

-When you use your referral link for any of the products inside your SamCart affiliate back office it places a cookie in the visitors browser on the device they clicked from.  

-Cookies last 1,000 days on the device they clicked your link from. 

-Cookie resets to 1,000 days again each time they re-click your link.  

-It is a “Last touch” cookie. So if they click on someone else's referral link, they are now cookied to them instead of you for the next 1,000 days. Then if they re-click your link, they are now cookied to you for the next 1,000 days. It just keeps resetting to 1,000 days on the last referral link they clicked. 

-Once the person checks out on any of our checkout pages for HBA products it will look in their browser for who they are cookied to and give that affiliate credit for the sale!

After someone buys any HBA products:

-We now IGNORE any cookies SamCart places and make sure this person is ALWAYS tagged to the person who referred them to HBA originally.   

-EXAMPLE: Let’s say “Jim” purchased Funnel Builder through “Paul”. And later on “Jim” clicks on “Amy’s” affiliate link, maybe just on her list, checking out her email swipe. Then 2 months down the road decides to upgrade to HBA Premium. SamCart is technically going to give “Amy” the credit for the sale because “Jim” clicked one of her referral links last. It’s just how all SamCart cookies work.  

We then go in every Thursday before commissions are run and “Manually” check if any upgrades or new purchases were already in the system under someone else. If YES, then we tag the original sponsor with the sale.  

So in this case we would move “Jim” back under “Paul” for the HBA Premium sale. Then notify “Amy” of why we are doing that.   

Again we do this because we want to make sure YOUR customers are ALWAYS tagged to you if they ever purchase again, or upgrade to other products inside of HBA.  

** Only 1 exception to this rule.   If a customer cancels EVERYTHING and is inactive for more than 90 days (3 months) from the date of cancelation of ALL billing.  Then they are reset into the "cookie" system above, and the new affiliate that brings them back to HBA will get the credit from there on out.. 

** If we as a company ever email "Past" customers we never use any "cookied" links.  So in that case if someone reactivates and is "Not Tagged" to anyone even after the 90 days it will go back to the "original" sponsor for credit.    

What if the “Cookie” fails and no one gets credit?

-First here are some reasons why the cookie could potentially fail.  

#1 - They clicked on your affiliate link from their Phone. Then intended to buy, but didn’t. Later on instead of going back to their phone to buy, they get on their computer and instead of clicking on your link again via your email, or message to them. Maybe they “Google” HBA instead, and grab the first link they can find, then signup directly under no one.  

As you can see in this case they were cookied to you on their phone, but bought from a different device before clicking on your link again. Most people will re-click your link when they get to the new device, so the likely hood of them doing this is low. But it can happen.   

#2 - Another reason it could fail is if they purposely go into their “Browser Settings” and BLOCK ALL COOKIES… This is not ideal for them because they will never be able to login to things or navigate websites very well, but it does happen sometimes. People just block things for what ever reason.  

#3 - Maybe they click your link, go eat dinner, then clear their cookies for what ever reason, then come back to the page they were on and finish the buying process without re-clicking your affiliate link.

#4 - You are trying to buy from your own affiliate link.  Sometimes affiliates do "Test" purchases to make sure their links work, and SamCart has a feature in place that if you click on your own affiliate link while logged into SamCart the cookie will NOT place and it will not work.   So if you ever desire to do a "Test" purchase.  Make sure to go to your affiliate link in an "Incognito" window or make sure you are 100% logged out of SamCart FIRST before clicking on your own affiliate link.    Or give your link to someone else to test as long as they are also NOT logged into your personal SamCart.    

Here is what we do if any of these things ever happen.

-We email the customer and ask them who invited them, or if they can remember the email that sent them the info for our company, or video they watched etc..   

Most of the time they respond back and we find who it was that invited them originally. We then tag this person to the right sponsor.  

This is an extra step that I know for a fact NO other company does.  Sales in other companies that fall through the cracks always just go direct to the company and no one gets credit.

We value your hard work, and if you deserve the sale we GIVE it to you and do EVERYTHING we can to make sure you get credit!

How To Get Your Customer Data

*This is helpful for contacting your customers and also seeing which of your customers are active so you can calculate your projected monthly residual income.

How To Find Recently Canceled Customers

*This is for those who want to keep a pulse on which customers may have canceled or have subscriptions in Jeopardy due to a CC issue.

How & When Do We Get Paid Our Affiliate Commissions?

After you make a sale and get the commission notification for new sales and rebills, there is a 7-day hold to account for refunds.  Then it is put into the Que to be paid out on that Thursday's pay run.  

We payout through iPayout which gives you an option for Direct Deposit, Check, PrePaid Card or Bitcoin.  

You will get the invite to iPayout ewallet once you have earned your FIRST commission.  You will not immediately get an invite to the Ewallet. 

The invite to the e-wallet will come the Thursday your first commission is due to you explained above.  

How do the fees in the Global eWallet work?

There is a $2.00 one time sign up fee.  

There is a $1.50 per month maintenance fee that's charged on the first payment of each month.   If there are no payouts during the month, this fee is waived. 

Payout Transaction Fee

.50 cents each time funds are loaded onto your eWallet 

Bank Transfer Fees 

These are fees are charged each time you move funds from your eWallet to your payout method of choice.  

Unites States

Direct Deposit / Bank Transfer  - $1.00 

Paper Check - $3.95 per check 

Pre Paid Card Load - $1.00 

Bitcoin - 2.5% 


Direct Deposit / Bank Transfer - $3.00


Direct Deposit / Bank Transfer - $4.00 

Other countries Vary from $3.00 - $6.00 

*The most economical option for most international affiliates will be the pre-paid card which carries a $1 eWallet to card transfer fee.  

*There is a one time cost to purchase the pre-paid card of $7.95 for U.S. and $9.95 for international

**These fees are not charged by The Home Business Academy.  These are eWallet fees and go to our payout processor.  

Can I change sponsors?

*What to do if your sponsor is not responsive or as helpful as you'd like them to be.

In order to enroll with a new sponsor, your membership must be inactive for at least 90 days.  

What Countries Is This Available In?

How do I cancel my account?

Click here to learn how to cancel your membership. 

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306,941 days of meals provided to kids so far by our community...

Click play below to hear a message from Jessica at Feed My Starving Children to learn about the impact we're making as a community, together.  

Right click here and "save link as" to download this voice message.

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